May 19, 2010

Bedtime Stories

     If the boys ask me to tell them a story at night I usually suggest they choose a book off the shelf.  We have plenty.  Otherwise, my stories often go like this, "Once upon a time there was a little boy named _______ (boy who is listening) and he had a busy day with his mom.  At the end of the day, he put on his pajamas, brushed his teeth and went to bed.  The end."  If I'm telling the story it is better that we use a book written by someone else. 
     Steven, however, has this amazing ability to tell stories in great detail.  Last night as I was putting clothes away and stacking diapers, Andrew asked his daddy to tell him a story.  This story was about two friendly birds named Pete and Bo who were fortunate enough to get a fascinating ride on the back of an eagle and the sights they saw as they flew along.  I don't know if it was exactly what Andrew needed to hear or if having daddy take the time to tell him a story is what brought him comfort.  Either way, my boys are lucky.


Trulee said...

Lucky boys, indeed.

Natalie said...

I would llike to be a mouse - or just me - listening in...

Jen said...

My children love to have my mom tell them stories... I think having an adult tell you stories is just magical.